Goodbye August—September is almost here! Labor day can conjure up many things to discuss including how current labor markets are the most confusing economists have seen, perhaps EVER—AND, it also brings to mind that, typically, September has earned an unfavorable reputation with investors over the years.
Historically, September has been the single worst-performing month for the S&P 500 Index, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and the Nasdaq Composite (Source: Stock Trader’s Almanac).
The Almanac says “September is when leaves and stocks tend to fall; on Wall Street, it’s the worst month of all.” In September of 2020 and 2021, the month lived up to its reputation as the S&P 500 was down -3.92% and -4.76%.
Although September is generally viewed unfavorably by equity investors, there have been a few impressive outlying Septembers, such as 2007, 2009, 2010, and 2013, all of which saw gains in excess of 3% for the S&P.
Even though September has not generally been kind to the broad equity indices, there are always opportunities in sector rotation/asset selection. Take 2008 for instance. The SPX as a whole was down -9.20%, however, certain sectors like banking were up 5%+, highlighting the benefits of customized asset/investment selection visa vie passive indexing (which sometimes works just fine). Last year, while the S&P 500 was down nearly 5% in September, the oil/energy stocks were up more than 14%, by way of example.
Shifting to more positive changes—that I believe may set up September to be, perhaps, another outlier year of positivity; Domestic Equities have regained its second place position on the Asset Scale, with a nice margin over Cash. See Below:

And, again, all things, September . . . SAVE THE DATE! September 15th! We hope to see you for our Semi-Annual State of the Markets Economic Update.
Looking for a fresh perspective on the market and the economy? We encourage you to bring family and friends to our next gathering. Space is limited so thank you for RSVP’ing by 9/8–simply REPLY HERE.
Join us at a new event location:
Serendipity Labs
(at the base of the bridge in Mt. Pleasant)
5:30-7:30 PM
Thank you for RSVP’ing by 9/8
Reply HERE or call 843-573-7277
Heavy hors d’ouevres and beverages
Free Parking
Let us know if you are out of town, or unable to attend, we will happily provide you a link to the presentation, upon request.
Let’s chat! Taking any and all call/Zoom requests if you need some reassurance and or information on where you portfolio stands.
Committed to you financial success,