Friday 3 for 3! September 22
- September 22, 2023
- 3 for 3 FridayFee OnlyFeesFiduciary DutyInterest RateMarket AlertsMarket TimingMarketsRate HikeWeekly Post
PRESS PLAY for a LIVE Friday 3 For 3! The Fed sound byte; the FOMC concluded its September meeting on Wednesday...

Market Watchers—2020 Vision?
- September 17, 2020
- Interest RateMarket TimingMarketsWeekly Post
For the Market Watchers For years, I have gotten up in the mornings and after taking a few moments to reflect...

Trade and Interest Rates: Weekly Update- June 18, 2018
- June 20, 2018
- Interest RateRate HikeWeekly Update
Last week stocks showed mixed results as political headlines continued to dominate the news. The Dow lost 0.89% and the S&P...