Today’s Decisions Determine Your Financial Future
- October 28, 2020
- 401kLiberated Investor Tool KitMarkets
When it comes to financial decisions, emotions are out, and well-planned decisions are in! —Cokie Today’s smart investors want satisfaction, relief,...

Are you a Liberated Investor?
- October 16, 2020
- 401kLiberated Investor Tool KitMarkets
When it comes to financial decisions, emotions are out, and well-planned decisions are in! —Cokie Do you ever find yourself thinking:...

The Time to Plan is Now
- December 6, 2019
- 401kRetirement
I wish I had enough time and space here to write fully about retirement. Today, more and more people are thinking...

Are Your Investments Hurricane Ready?
- September 10, 2017
- 401k
Cokie’s in hurricane mode. Are you? The office is being boarded up in preparation for Hurricane Irma, but, here at Alphavest,...

Want To Claim Back 21% Of Your Retirement Savings?
- August 25, 2016
- 401kFiduciary DutyRetirement
Did you know that if you’re not careful, 21% of your retirement nest egg will be forfeited to excessive fees and...
Markets Rebound While Cash Advances: The Defensive Shift Continues
- February 18, 2016
- 401kMarket AlertsMarkets
Q1 2016 Asset Scale Activity: Fixed Income/Bonds and CASH surpass Domestic Equities/Stocks. Commodities moved up to the #5 spot. International Equities slip down to the #6...
Market Alert! Bonds Rally As Stocks & Oil Sell Off
- February 11, 2016
- 401kMarket AlertsMarkets
Q1 2016 Asset Scale Activity: Fixed Income/Bonds surpass Domestic Equities/Stocks. Cash and Currency remain in the #3 and #4 positions. Commodities, driven by...
Mid-Quarter Update: ALERT! International Equities have taken a back seat AGAIN to Fixed Income
As mentioned in our Q3 Newsletter posted mid July, the #2 spot on the Asset Scale, International equities, took back’s it...
Mid-Quarter Update: ALERT! International Equities are back in the saddle…
As mentioned in our Q2 Newsletter posted last week, #3 spot on the Asset Scale, International equities, had a strong Q1...

Thinking About a 401k Rollover to Annuity? Think Again.
- May 15, 2014
- 401k
If you’re thinking about a 401k rollover to annuity…DON’T. Simply put, annuities = HIGH FEES. Class dismissed. Studies show that most...