When it comes to financial decisions, emotions are out, and well-planned decisions are in! —Cokie

Do you ever find yourself thinking: Will I ever get off this roller coaster? Who can I trust? How will I know if the advice I receive is on target for today’s market and economy? Or, do you feel as if you have tried to play by your advisor’s rules only to wonder why you feel confused, disappointed, and left behind? If you have any of these feelings, you are not alone.

At times, our world does seem out of control. Investors recently saw $1.7 trillion in US stock market value wiped out in a couple of days. It is true that the market is making a comeback, but wow (!) what an abrupt pivot. Can you hang on?

In the third edition of the Liberated Investor Guidebook, I offer the insight you need to get a grip on what is happening on Wallstreet and the opportunity to take advantage of a solid plan you can trust with a proven track record.

I have been a financial advisor for over 25 years, and I have weathered many stormy market times, and this one will pass. But I also understand your need to know that you are where you need to be when it comes to investments.

The Liberated Investor model offers all investors, no matter how small or large the amount of your hard-earned investments, 3 steps to investing freedom coupled with a solution that has, historically, outperformed the market—has no conflicts of interest and a new fee structure that will ROCK Wall Street.

The Liberated Investor solution for capitalizing in today’s market is an active and responsible investment management approach that aims to minimize losses while participating in an upside opportunity. Not possible? Research back to the 1950’s suggests and proves it is possible.

The guidebook will show you how to:

• Lower your fees — The first step is one of the most important things you do. There are hidden fees and you need to know how to spot them and what to do next.

• Invest in a simple, easy to understand investment portfolio, backed by the highest of fiduciary standards, a winning track record in good markets and bad all with the institutional support of over $900 billion in assets.

This is the toughest step to execute. Investors often are paralyzed by the over-promised and under-delivered nature of the two prevalent models—Buy & Hold and Market Timing—that dominate Wall Street. In the Liberated Investor, I take these apart and show you the difference between the two.

• Hire an advisor you can trust and one that understands your goals for the future. This step involves work on your end. A Liberated Investor understands that trusting an advisor can be easier than you think. However, hiring the wrong advisor or no advisor at all can and does prove very costly.

Remember: Having the right team in place involves trust, flexibility, extreme knowledge not only of today’s market, but the history of the market and the market’s projected future.

The advisor you choose needs to not only market growth but also the trends that drive the market and futures. In other words, when it comes to financial decisions, emotions are out, and well-planned decisions are in!

What can you do today? Download my latest edition of the Liberated Investor and then schedule a 15-minute consultation with me. I bet I have some answers you need to hear. Best of all: it’s free!