The Power of Corporate Earnings: Weekly Update – June 25, 2018
- June 27, 2018
- Corporate EarningsMarketsWeekly Post
Stocks stumbled across the globe last week as trade tensions continued to escalate. Despite rebounding somewhat on Friday, the S&P 500...

Another Week of Highs
- October 3, 2017
- Weekly Update
Before we begin our usual weekly commentary, we wanted to take a moment to honor the victims of Sunday’s terrible attack...

Strong Stocks & A Falling Dollar
- July 25, 2017
- Weekly Update
Last week, the Dow, S&P 500, and NASDAQ again hit record highs. The midweek peaks fell by Friday, though market performance...

Strong Markets and Slow GDP
- May 1, 2017
- Weekly Update
Stocks continued their advance on generally strong earnings reports this week despite the GDP report showing a slow first quarter economy....