Alphavest 2020 Mid-Year Report
- August 4, 2020
- Alphavest Quarterly Newsletter
This mid-year report underscores the fact that in January and February, the US economy was humming. The stock market climbed to...

Say No to the Wall Street Roller Coaster
- June 16, 2020
- Federal ReserveMarketsUncategorized
A Note from Cokie: In a recent statement to lawmakers, Jerome H. Powell, chair of the Federal Reserve, said, “The path...

Can I Navigate these Difficult Financial Times on My Own?
- May 20, 2020
- PlanningRetirementUncategorized
By Cokie Bernyi The answer to the above question is — probably not successfully. Or at least not as well as...

Unpresented Oil Prices lead to Market Lows
- April 23, 2020
- Covid-19MarketsUncategorized
Oil and water doesn’t mix! So, does the same rule follow for oil and markets? The experts on either side diverge....

Worst Days of the COVID-19 May Still Lie Ahead
- April 8, 2020
- Market AlertsNewslettersUncategorized
Special Update:Quarterly Report from Wealth E&P This Week on Wall StreetModest declines in stock prices this week masked the volatile inter-...

Key Provisions of the CARES Act
- April 1, 2020
- UncategorizedWeekly PostWeekly Update
I want to pass an update on to you that I’ve received from Wealth Care Management. If you have any question,...