Transition To Retirement Strategy: 3 Simple Tips
- March 20, 2014
- RetirementWeekly Post
Time to transition to a successful retirement strategy? Here are 3 simple tips that Liberated Investors, “In-the-know-soon-to-be-retirees”, will use to get...
What Are Investment Objectives?
- March 18, 2014
- MarketsWeekly Post
Top Q&A that investors need to modernize in 2014: What Are Investment Objectives? You see, long gone are the days where...
5 Questions To Ask Fee Only Planning Professionals
- March 12, 2014
- Weekly Post
So you’ve been asking around—your friends, your co-workers–for referrals to planners they use and trust and you’ve got a list going–NOW,...
Updated Retirement Planning Questionnaire For 2014
- March 10, 2014
- Weekly Post
2014 and beyond has much to behold for retirees and soon-to-be-retirees—now is the time to re-evaluate your retirement plan needs by...
What Does Holistic Financial Planning Mean, Exactly?
- March 3, 2014
- Weekly Post
“What Does Holistic Financial Planning Mean, Exactly” uttered the woman sitting next to me in seat 8B. She didn’t know planning...

Gobble Gobble–Weekly Post; Why Not to “DIY” and trade your own account
- November 27, 2013
- Weekly Post
Retail season is here. Will Black Friday disappoint Wall Street? Will you buy or sell AAPL, COST, WFM? Scary twitter quote...

Weekly Post: Why NOT to Trade Your Own Account
- November 19, 2013
- Liberated Investor Tool KitMarketsWeekly Post
Dow tops 16,000 and S&P 1,800….to buy or not to buy, that is the question. An MSN poll suggests mixed answers...
Weekly Post: Why NOT To Trade Your Own Account
- November 4, 2013
- Weekly Post
50 days until Christmas–so do you buy retailers NOW or later (Retail has been favored since February 2013)? Fidelity launches new...
Weekly Post: Why Not To Trade Your Own Account
- October 28, 2013
- MarketsWeekly Post
Debt Ceiling ‘Can’ kicked down the road…what does 2014 hold? AAPL reports at the close today. Is it a red (-headed..step...
Congress Gets 13% Approval Rating: REALLY?
- October 11, 2013
- Weekly Post
Congress Gets 13% Approval Rating: REALLY? Ok, so we are in the middle of creating a Liberated (investing) Movement at the...