Do you want to play by someone else’s rule with your investment portfolio and be run by the games on Wall Street? I want to tell that you can change this scenario.
Years ago, a Blackjack player named Don Johnson revealed in an interview how he won $15 million from three Atlantic City casinos in five months. Can’t be done? It was. He won $6 million from the Tropicana; from the Borgata, $5 million, and he took $4 million from Caesar’s Palace, all between December 2010 and April 2011.
In an interview with The Atlantic, Johnson described how the casinos gave him an upfront 20 percent discount on his losses and slightly more favorable house rules that let him break the bank. Casinos often offer “deals” to individuals who are top-drawer players. Johnson was one of those.
As he told his story, he explained: “I guess for the first time in 30 years, a group of casinos actually had a huge setback because of one player—me. Someone connected all the dots and said it has to be one guy. They were right.”
How did Johnson do it? I can tell you one thing: he did not accomplish this through playing by the rules. “Playing by the rules,” says Johnson, “is like blindly throwing away money.” The rules of the game are always set to give the ‘house’ a significant advantage.” There is always a “catch” with huge corporations.
Sophisticated gamblers like Johnson, often refuse to play by the rules. Fact is, they negotiate better terms even before stepping on a Casino floor! You can do the same when it comes to your investments. If you are ready—
Welcome to the Liberated Investor Movement!
My suggestion to investors—sophisticated or not—is to learn how to do the same. In fact, if you are playing the rules of Wallstreet, it’s just like playing by “house rules.”
But you can learn to negotiate better terms, so you beat Wallstreet at its own game. Those that do this are called Liberated Investors. They have broken free of Wallstreet and are no long held hostage by “big brokerage.”
For the average person, I am talking about 21 percent growth of your wealth over the next 25 years. This is what you could gain if you are a Liberated Investor! This means having more money set aside to do what you want to do in the years to come. Playing by your own rules also means you do not over pay when it comes to fees each year.
Most of us work to save for the future. We think about retirement, travel, the second home, or putting our children through college. On our own, this can lead to a heavy burden of managing your savings and the fear of the unknown especially in this financial environment.
It’s likely you are paying more than you should to a big brokage investment advisor that has no idea what your personal wants and needs are. He or she has hundreds to millions of clients and there’s no time to care on a granular level.
Invest With a Disciplined, Rules-Based Active Investment Strategy
You may be facing charges that are two times what they should be. If you are, then you can become paralyzed and held hostage by Wall Street’s predictable “unknown.”
Investors typically know very little about how fees are charged and what fees exist. That’s the sad truth. This causes overpayment due to lack of knowledge when it comes to understanding fair fees.
Remember: Fees should always be negotiated. Even a failed attempt at negotiating fees feels good. Liberated Investors know the fees they are paying. They know the person who is investing their money, is actually working for them and not a mammoth brokerage firm on Wallstreet.
They are not being taken advantage of. They are liberated and no longer in the dark concerning their investments, Wallstreet’s games, or conflicts of interest.
What Liberated Investors Know
At Alphavest, we believe investors need a return on their money that out performs the market.
Investors need rules they can live by. They also need rules they can understand and rules that don’t change. Investors need something they can count, that isn’t outside of their ability to understand or beyond their control.
You can change the game for yourself and change the game with your investing.
Our mission is to teach investors how to demand more. Alphavest may not be a fit for everyone, but the rules of the Liberated Investor are.
That is why we create the Liberated Investor tool kit which offers five strategies for beating Wallstreet at its game.
The Liberated Investor model offers all investors—no matter how small or large the amount of their hard earned investments, 3 steps to investing freedom coupled with a solution that has, historically, outperformed the market, has no conflicts of interest and a new and improved fee structure that will ROCK Wall Street.
The Liberated Investor guidebook teaches you how to:
• Lower your fees
• Invest in a simple, easy to understand investment portfolio, backed by the highest of fiduciary standards, a winning track record in good markets and bad all with the institutional support of over $900 billion in assets.
• Hire an advisor you can trust
You will be well on your way to investing with confidence.
Want to get liberated? Go to liberatedinvestor.com today and become a liberated investor. Download your free copy of the book The Liberated Investor and learn how you can become liberated by refusing to play by the house rules.