Friday 3 for 3! September 22
- September 22, 2023
- 3 for 3 FridayFee OnlyFeesFiduciary DutyInterest RateMarket AlertsMarket TimingMarketsRate HikeWeekly Post
PRESS PLAY for a LIVE Friday 3 For 3! The Fed sound byte; the FOMC concluded its September meeting on Wednesday...

Keep Your Financial Focus Fixed!
- December 26, 2019
- 2020 ElectionMarketsUncategorized
As a result of the recent market reports, are you tempted to take your focus off the...

Phase-One Trade Deal Reached
- December 19, 2019
- Market TimingMarketsUncategorized
This week on Wall Street Last week, The U.S. ad China announced a limited trade agreement. The news lifted the U....
Alphavest Quarterly Newsletter: Q2 2019 Double-Digits and Yield Curve Inversion; Time to Worry?
- August 27, 2019
- MarketsNewslettersQuarterly Report 2019
At Alphavest, our focus is on an objective, rules-based investment strategy. We understand what works in our changing and...
Tweets, Unchanged Interest Rates Lead to Market Highs, Spikes in Oil and Gold
- June 25, 2019
- Weekly PostWeekly Update
The Week on Wall Street The S&P 500 hit an all-time peak of 2,964.03, in intraday trading Friday, while improving...

Alphavest Quarterly Newsletter: 2018 losses erased–What else does 2019 have in store?
- May 9, 2019
- NewslettersQuarterly Report 2019
At Alphavest, our focus is on an objective, rules-based investment strategy. We understand what works in our changing...

Investors in LOVE with Market gains. Did you Believe in Double-Digits YTD?
- February 20, 2019
- Weekly Post
The Week on Wall Street Stocks ended a good week on a high note, as hints of progress in U.S.-China trade...

Out with October–will November be a Trick or Treat?
- October 31, 2018
- Market AlertsMarketsWeekly PostWeekly Update
Last week did nothing to dispel October’s reputation as a tough month for the markets. The S&P 500 lost 3.94%, the...
Market Losses Continue; VIX “fear gauge” up 84%
- October 23, 2018
- Market AlertsMarketsWeekly Post
Stock performance was mixed last week as investors considered the impact of interest rates, international affairs and corporate earnings; losses across...

She’s a BAD Mam-a Jam-a
- May 13, 2018
- Uncategorized
Don’t remember the tune? “She’s a Bad Mama Jama” was written by Leon Haywood and became a major R&B hit, earning...